That set the stage for creative entrepreneurs to figure out ways to meet the needs for only a penny...one thin cent...one hundredth of a dollar...come play "pinball."
So aptly named since the board was a series of pins surrounding holes the balls dropped through. You scored points and tested your skill in shooting or moving the game...(this action will cause "tilt" to come in to play).
The game above is Bally Hoo, named after a popular magazine of the day. It was made in 1929...you got 7 balls for 1 cent. Later they came out with the same game playing 10 balls for 5 cents. That's where I believe the game's makers have it figured out...during the Great Depression they bumped up the price 4 cents and gave you a measly 3 additional balls to play...wowzers...and then they formed the Bally company.
The popularity of the game was remarkable. And pinball's popularity remains today...whether you like these early games, the wood rails, electro-magnetic, electronic, or digital the allure is all the same...they're cooler than the other side of the pillow.
Enjoy your games and visit us @ http://www.rocketranchroadhouse.com/
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